The new HomeGrid Forum G.hn Test Plan for all mediums is now available for HomeGrid Forum member companies!
The BroadBand Forum Powerline Test Plan (TR-208i2) regarding Powerline Delivery for in-home networking deployed in Carrier Grade Networks is now available! Follow this link to view the test plan: https://www.broadband-forum.org/technical/download/TR-208_Issue-2.pdf
HomeGrid Forum G.hn Certification Testing
HomeGrid Forum (HGF) certification testing is designed to ensure that a commercially available product (containing both HomeGrid G.hn silicon and production software/firmware) complies with ITU-T G.hn standards and the HomeGrid requirements regarding interoperability, performance, etc. as specified in the HomeGrid Forum Certification Test Plans.
HomeGrid Forum members can submit their G.hn system products for certification testing according to a suite of tests developed by HGF Compliance and Interoperability Work Group (C&I WG). All Certification test documents are available to any HomeGrid member in good standing. Only HGF members are permitted to submit G.hn system products for Certification testing. Non-members seeking certification must first become members of HGF.
Certification Testing is performed at an HGF accredited test house (ATH). Members’ products, which successfully complete Certification testing at an Accredited Test House, are awarded the relevant HGF Certification.
The current HomeGrid Forum accredited test houses are;
Laboratory | Location | Status | Contact |
ALLION Labs | Taipei, Taiwan | OPEN | NanKang Software Park Bldg. G 9F, No. 3-1 Yuan Ku Street, Taipei, Taiwan, 11503 R.O.C. Tel: +886-2-2655-7877, +866-2-7722-8800 Fax: +866-2-2655-7879 Email: service@allion.com |
ALLION Labs | Shenzhen, China | OPEN | SuperD Technology Tower, 8F,No.12, Keji South 8th Rd. Nanshan District Shenzhen, 518057, PRC PH: +86-755-8663-6380 FAX: +86-755-8663-6330 Email: cn_service@allion.com |
China Telecom Shanghai Research Institute | Shanghai, China | ONGOING | TO BE PROVIDED |
Certification Test Fees: The fee to test G.hn silicon or products for certification is paid directly by vendors to the Authorized Test Houses. Please contact the Labs for a testing quote.
HGF reserves the right to charge an additional fee for issuing any certification.
HGF Certified system products are listed, along with their Test Certificates, on HGF web pages as follows:
- The “Silicon Vendors” web page contains information on all HGF G.hn silicon that were included in certified products.
- The “Certified Systems” web page contains information and links to certified products.
Accredited Test Labs – Currently active versions of certification:
Version | LCMP* | Supported band-plans and release notes | Effective Date | Expiration |
1.8 | YES | Phone (50 MHz; 100 MHz) Powerline (SISO) (50, 100 MHz) Powerline (MIMO (50, 100 MHz) Coaxial (50 MHz-BB; 100 MHz BB; 200 MHz BB) Release Notes: Updated Performance thresholds in Section 23, plus editorial changes |
Dec. 2017 | TBD |
1.7.1 | YES | Phone (50 MHz; 100 MHz) Powerline (SISO) (50, 100 MHz) Powerline (MIMO (50, 100 MHz) Coaxial (50 MHz-BB; 100 MHz BB; 200 MHz BB) Release Notes: Various corrections to 1.6 based on first certifications processes using LCMP. Introduction of coax and phone parameters. Updates to correct errors to version 1.7 |
Dec 2016 | Mar 2018 |
*LCMP capability allows automatic certification procedures that speed up the certification process. This optional feature will become mandatory in future releases of the certification process.
More information about certification and all relevant documentation can be found in the HGF “Members Only” section of the HGF website.
For non-members to find out more information about certification or about joining HGF, please e-mail administration@homegridforum.org.
Test material:
HomeGrid Forum implemented a partnership with different equipment providers in order to develop G.hn-qualified test products that can are used in HGF´s certification program and other test processes like TR-208.
Equipment | Provider | Purpose | Order Information |
IPTV Splitters for Coax Testing | Holland Electronics | HGF Certification | http://www.hollandelectronics.com/associations/homegrid-g.hn.html |
G.hn Universal PLC Splitter | Telebyte Inc | HGF Certification
TR-208 test |
https://telebyteplc.com/ |